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Willbrand Creek Park
CO-OP Community Viewing Platform
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Willbrand Creek Park
Barn Owl Nest Box
Owl daylight
Owl eggs
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Peregrine Falcon
Abbotsford Mission Nature Club Board
Interested in getting more involved? We are looking for a few more members to join the board. Do you have an interest in communications or social media or any other area. You are welcome to sit in on a board meeting to get a feel for what goes on behind the scenes. Meetings are held monthly, are informal and enjoyable.
No obligation!
Come and join us in the continual learning and appreciation of our natural world!
Club meetings are normally held the second Wednesday of each month (except July and August) at 7:30 pm at the Ravine Park Hatchery, 2395 Crescent Way, Abbotsford (by the Abbotsford Arts Centre).
For more info send an EMAIL.
7:30 pm
March meeting – Conservation Col...
@ Ravine Park Hatchery
March meeting – Conservation Col...
@ Ravine Park Hatchery
Mar 12 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Andrea Gielens – Conservation Collaboration: A Tale of three species Explore the biology and reintroduction efforts at The Greater Vancouver Zoo to save three small but iconic BC species and the science and advancements that[...]
9:45 am
Greater Vancouver Zoo Field Trip
@ Greater Vancouver Zoo
Greater Vancouver Zoo Field Trip
@ Greater Vancouver Zoo
Mar 19 @ 9:45 am – 11:45 am
Fieldtrip to Greater Vancouver Zoo and tour the breeding facility. Join Andrea Gielens for a two-hour behind-the-scenes tour of the captive breeding programs of the Oregon Spotted Frog, the Coastal Western Painted Turtle and the[...]
9:30 am
Blackberry Removal Blitz – Willb...
Blackberry Removal Blitz – Willb...
Mar 26 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
We are hoping to be able to do the whole park in one day. At this time of the year the shoots and patches are very accessible. The park will be assessed whether there are[...]
7:30 pm
Homegrown National Park – Dr. Ja...
@ Ravine Park Hatchery
Homegrown National Park – Dr. Ja...
@ Ravine Park Hatchery
Apr 9 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
The Homegrown National Park project encourages people to turn their yards into wildlife-friendly habitats, creating interconnected corridors that are like a park. By planting native species and promoting richness and variety, individuals can support native[...]
10:30 am
Hogan Family Nature Park Springt...
Hogan Family Nature Park Springt...
Apr 23 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Easy: There are no toilets or picnic tables at the park. Leader: Wendy DaDalt Location: A small dead-end parking lot at 28632 Debruyne Road, west off Bradner Road and north of the Fraser Highway. Come[...]
11:00 am
Earth Day in Mission
Earth Day in Mission
Apr 26 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
‘Green Living’ earth day celebration at the Fraser River Heritage Park. The event will feature a variety of family fun, including live performances, guest speakers, interactive activities and demos, food trucks, a sustainable marketplace and[...]
1:00 pm
iNaturalist City Nature Challeng...
iNaturalist City Nature Challeng...
Apr 26 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
From April 25-28, 2025, cities around the world will be working together to share observations of nature in the 2025 City Nature Challenge. The CNC encourages people to explore and document the wildlife in their[...]
9:00 am
Migratory Bird Day at Reifel Mig...
Migratory Bird Day at Reifel Mig...
May 10 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
The second Saturday of May marks peak spring migration in Canada—a time to connect, admire, and advocate for these incredible travelers. As they journey across borders, we must ensure they have safe habitats along the[...]
7:30 pm
May meeting – Garter Snakes
@ Ravine Park Hatchery
May meeting – Garter Snakes
@ Ravine Park Hatchery
May 14 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Carmen Sprang will share her three years of experiences and observations of the garter snakes and the hibernaculum area along a Delta dyke. The Spring emerge this year has been quite a contrast to last[...]
all day
2025 BC Nature Conference and AG...
2025 BC Nature Conference and AG...
May 22 – May 24 all day
The Nicola Naturalist Society is hosting the 2025 BC Nature Spring conference and AGM in Merritt, 22-24 May 2025. For more information and to register https://bcnature.org/2025-bc-nature-conference-and-agm/