During the summer of 2020, Hank Roos and Herman Venema, of the Abbotsford Mission Nature Club (AMNC), approached the City’s Urban Forestry Section to propose fabricating and installing an osprey nesting platform in Willband Creek Park.
Although osprey are not currently listed as threatened or endangered, it is known that suitable nesting habitat is scarce in the urban setting. Willband Creek Park provides many habitat elements required by osprey but lacks large trees for nesting. AMNC offered to manufacture the nesting platform and indicated that BC Hydro may donate a wooden pole. The City supported the concept but suggested an all metal and concrete structure for durability.
On April 16, 2021, the structure was erected roughly 30m from the main trail in the south east corner of Willband Creek Park. The positioning is surrounded by trees but is open enough to provide clear flyways in and out of the nest with fast access to fishing sites.
We plan to make and install interpretive signage to explain the structure and educate the public about ospreys.
Excerpt from ‘Provision of Osprey Nesting Platform in Willband Creek Park’ by Shawn Gurney, Urban Forester
Download PDF to read the full story of this installation — with more great photos.